Blog - Rio de Janeiro - Brasil
Tiempo de lectura: 2 minutos
From 12th February to 12th March, at Oasis, Rio de Janeiro
A menor distância entre dois pontos é um risco
The exhibition The shortest distance between two points is a scratched line aims at investigating, expanding and problematizing the multiple meanings contained in the idea of risk.
The curatorial decisions departed from two points, (1) the linguistic and polissemic fact of the word «risco» (risk) and (2), the framework of conventional Euclidean and Cartesian geometry, which stipulates that the shortest distance between two dots is a line.
At the meeting point between semiotics and geometry, merging these points by force, moving against the current of the well known axiom, the exhibition gathers artworks and open-ended artistic research that implicitly or openly questions the positivist premises behind Reason and Western subjectivity.
“Risk” and “line” are not the same thing. Differences of intensity, subjectivity, intention, “objectivity” come into play. The risk differs from the line since it may contain affect, the individuality of the gesture, the imprecision of real friction in contrast with the coldness of abstract, platonical geometry, thus creating alternative paths or detours – though just like the line, it is also capable of connecting two distant dots (or bodies, or worlds, universes or multiverses).
Art is a risky business, one must take a stand. Among the artists selected, it is apparent the effort in investigating one’s ancestry, in comprehending modalities of knowing, ritualizing, studying and writing which, since many centuries, are overlooked and even repressed by Eurocentrism. The explicitly political arises with the exercising of freedom that establishes formal innovation. Each of the selected artists seem to have understood Maiakovsky’s motto that “there is no revolutionary art without revolutionary form”. To take a risk in the research development is to get out of the zone which one knows already quite well, to put oneself in relative danger and arrive at unforeseeable results. Contingency. This moves art and the world.
With: Allan Pinheiro, Bruno de Abreu, Camilla Felicitas, Carla Santana, Derrete / Rack , Gean Guilherme, Gabriel Junqueira, Isabella Previti, Jorge Raka, Lais Amaral, Laryssa Machada, Luiz Camaleão, Mexa, Welket Bungué, Simba, Yhuri Cruz, Zé Tepedino. Curated by: Nico Dantas Rocha and Lucas Rehnman.
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