Tiempo de lectura: 1 minutos
New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
11 de septiembre de 2015 – 17 de enero de 2016
This exhibition looks back at historic works by significant women artists from the Museum of Art collection while looking forward at new projects by contemporary women artists. The historic works from the collection include Eleanor Antin’s 100 Boot postcards, a 1967 drawing by Eva Hesse, Beatrice Wood drawings from the 1920s, a selection of photographs from Ana Mendieta’s Silueta Series and selections from Juane Quick-to See-Smith’s Paper Dolls for a Post Colonial World.
Mid-career contemporary artists will be included with new and larger scale artworks. Arizona based artists Angela Ellsworth revisits her Mormon upbringing, community, and spirituality with her sculptural objects and installation. New Mexico artist Ligia Bouton riffs off the writings for George Orwell for her installation Understudy for Animal Farm. Southern California based Micol Hebron’s collaborative Gallery Tally poster project addresses gender representation in the art world.
Photo: Blair Clark
Courtesy of the artists and New Mexico Museum of Art, Santa Fe; Galerie Lelong, New York
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