Tiempo de lectura: 1 minutos
Good Weather, North Little Rock, Arkansa, USA
3 de junio de 2017 – 29 de julio de 2017
Sucked into the vacuum, low- and high-relief marble sculptures and cut-out floor works could be artifacts from Fin Simonetti’s red pen drawings. A dismembered dog—its parts strewn throughout—become a vivid signifier for the physical, psychological, and political destruction of the body. The head of the muzzled dog lies heavy on the ground, it’s caulked leash tracing an unstable line between the body as a threat and as threatened. In IS PATH WARM? the bodies domination is laid bare, unveiling the power and control exerted across lines of geography, culture, gender, and species. Ultimately, Simonetti questions the structures of oppression and cruelty that marginalize and radicalize vulnerable populations through neglect, exploitation, or duress.
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