Blog - California Los Angeles - Estados Unidos
Tiempo de lectura: 1 minutos
03/12 – 04/02
But I am in a black hole.
There’s nothing here.
But I am here.
In many pieces.
Soft air.
I am light.
I float freely.
I am empty.
I am oxygen.
I am peace.
I am silence.
Nothing holds me down.
I am being cleansed.
Born again.
I will cross the line.
My parts are coming back together anew
I am morphing into a creature I have never seen before.
I found me a new life in a black hole.
I am here in the unknown.
Waiting for you to jump in
Witness your arrival
I’ll give you my eyes, where all the light was placed.
My suns that will mirror your face.
That’s the only way we will know we exist.
Dance with me
I need you,
You need me.
I am you,
You are me.
— E. Ibarra 2/26/22
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